Hear From Our Clients

* Non compensated client testimonial; may not be representative of all client experiences; no guarantee of future performance or success.

Joe Berenato

Farm Owner

Ray Celona

Retired Corporate Exec. / Leadership Coach

John Hamaty


Katz Family

Retired Corporate Executive & Teacher

Joe Berenato


Ray Short

Retired corporate exec. / leadership coach

John Hamaty


Katz Family

Strategic financial client

We Don’t Work with Everyone

At Strategic Financial, we take a holistic approach to wealth management. We don’t rely on templates or computer-generated plans. Instead, we’ve developed a unique seven-month process that allows us to apply our expertise to help you meet your goals.

We spend time with our clients—a lot of time. We’ll look at your unique combination of personal and professional finances and needs. We work to understand how the different parts of your life work together and affect each other.

To spend that amount of time with each client, we can’t work with everyone. We limit our clientele to those we know best, those clients we know how to help.

Who do we work with?

- Physicians
- Business Owners
- Corporate Executives

How We Support Physicians

Your dedication to medicine shouldn’t come at the expense of your financial health. Our specialized financial services for physicians supports you from the start of your career to retirement, ensuring your financial well-being matches your commitment to your patients.

Managing Education Debt

It took you years of schooling and thousands of dollars of tuition to have the right to add “MD” after your name. You work long hours and spend many hours on call, all to help people stay healthy and to save lives.

The last thing you want is to spend your career trying to pay off your education debt. We’ll create a strategy to break you free of debt and grow your wealth so you can start building financial security sooner.

Making the Most of Your Income

Health insurance reimbursement plans can challenge the best of physicians. Relative Value Units (RVUs) and the entire Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS) push doctors to see increasingly more patients and perform more procedures, which can quickly lead to burnout. We can help you make the most of your earnings—and resist the push to overwhelm your schedule—with investment strategies that can reduce your taxable income, such as municipal bonds, direct ETFs, and stock positions.

When you’re ready to expand your career, we’ll help you navigate setting up an LLC or S-Corp for a side business, such as expert consulting for litigation or a private practice outside of your hospital work. We’ll even review your contract with your current employer for any potential conflicts of interest and advise you on the need for an employment lawyer.

Preparing for Retirement

Physicians are generally not eligible for a pension plan. You have to create—and fund—your retirement plan. We’ll create pension-like income streams that will help you reach your retirement goals.

You take care of your patients. Now let us take care of you. Learn more by downloading our financial planning guide for physicians and residents. Or schedule a free consultation meeting with us.

How We Partner with Business Owners

From the ground up, your business represents your vision and hard work. Our comprehensive financial services for business owners not only help your business thrive but also help ensure your personal financial goals are met, from startup to exit.

Working with You Throughout the Business Lifecycle

Your business has a life of its own. From inception through growth to sale, we will work with you to make the most of your business’s financial opportunities. We’ll review potential business entities with you, detailing the potential tax situation of each. We’ll work with you to structure payroll and owner compensation for the best tax results. And we’ll help you implement tax savings vehicles, such as retirement plans.

Keeping Your Business Going

Sometimes your relationship with your business ends because you’re ready to sell it to someone else. We’ll help you structure the deal with a transition team of a business broker, an M&A lawyer, and an M&A accountant. We’ll analyze any offers you receive to help you make the best decision for you.

Other times, your relationship with your business ends because you can no longer work in the business, whether through disability or death. We will help you develop a business continuity plan ahead of any untimely events. We’ll help you identify the key person or management team to take over and a structure for any necessary buyout.

Managing Your Business and Personal Finances Holistically

When you’re a business owner, your business finances are closely tied to your personal finances. We’ll work with you to create a holistic financial plan. We’ll guide you on answering the big retirement question: How much do I need to retire comfortably? We’ll also look beyond retirement, creating an estate plan that ensures business continuity and determines who should receive the assets and how.

Protect what you’ve built. Learn more by downloading our financial planning guide for business owners. Or schedule a free consultation meeting with us today.

How Corporate Executives Benefit from Working with Us

You’ve reached the highest level of management, with an office in the C-suite. Whether you’re CEO, CFO, CHRO, or another CXO, your benefits package reflects your elevated position. We help you take advantage of the opportunities your company offers you.

Making the Most out of Your Benefits

At the executive level, stock option plans abound. We’ll help you navigate your options and make the most out of them, helping you plan for the retirement you’re dreaming of. We’ll analyze deferred compensation, 401(k), and employee stock option plans. We’ll help you maximize fringe benefits, like supplemental life insurance, long- and short-term disability insurance, and your health insurance plan options.

We can also advise you on your income taxes, such as how city taxes might be affected by work-at-home situations and the differing tax benefits between New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, among other states.

And should your company be preparing for mass layoffs, we’ll review the effect on your stock options.

Benefit from your senior position. Learn more by downloading our financial planning guide for corporate executives. Or schedule a free consultation meeting with us today.

To talk with us more about what we can do for you, call or email us for an informational appointment. We’d love to help you reach your financial destination.

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More Advanced
Business Services

Business and Partnership Structure
What entity structure is right for you? We’ll assess your situation and provide you with expert advice.

Prep for Sale and Advocate Through Sales Process
Selling your business can be a complicated and emotional process. We’ll introduce you to key resources to help you prepare for the sale and be your advocate throughout the process.

Outsourced C-Suite
We all need advice sometimes. Tap into our outsourced C- suite.

Tax Optimization
We’ll assess your tax risk and burden and provide personalized advice to help reduce your tax bill.

Protect what you’ve built. Contact us today to get started.