Investing for All Your Life Goals

Our clients work with us for long-term growth. They’re not looking to make a quick profit but to fund their long-term goals, such as paying for a child’s education, retiring in a comfortable manner, or providing financial support for their family after they’re gone—the very goals Strategic Financial was founded to support.


An Investment Philosophy for Life

Our philosophy is based on proactive investing, not reactive. Reactive investing jumps on the latest trend, following the crowd and hoping to increase client investments. It’s not a strategy for the long term.

Instead, we study the market and analyze what the bigger players are doing. We research innovative, value-driven methods of increasing your investment. When considering new investments and opportunities, we thoroughly vet the potential benefits and drawbacks to determine its utility within your portfolio. When something is shiny and new, we complete our due diligence to determine whether it is viable for a long-term investment strategy.

We adjust our investment strategy as market dynamics change. We meet with portfolio managers to hear what they think will happen in the future and use that to inform our investment theme. We then combine this information with our research and analyses to create an investment strategy. 

This means we reallocate with data and thought, not panic. We temper down the emotions and use a steady hand to protect your investments.


How We Choose the Funds We Invest In

When we research funds to invest in, we look at many details. We start with returns: does the fund have a consistent level of returns over time? We like to see at least five years of consistent returns and relative downside risk.

We also look at fees and the fund’s net performance after fees. Do the fees reflect the fund’s net performance? No one wants to pay higher fees, but slightly higher fees might be worth a better-than-average net return.

We next look at the portfolio manager. People like Warren Buffet have specific qualities that lead them to being successful. We look at their tenure, qualifications, investment process, and philosophy. We measure them against benchmarks that will most likely lead our clients to their goals.


Your Personal Fund Strategy

Not every fund we invest in is a good choice for every client. Your goals drive the unique strategy we create for you. We look at where you are in your investment cycle and at the level of your assets. We balance the two to determine a blend of investment strategies that are suitable for your current life stage and risk tolerance:

- Growth. A growth investment category can offer more returns, but it also takes on more risk. Assets in this strategy are typically held for seven years or more before. We typically prioritize this bucket if you have a longer time to invest, such as when you are early in your investment cycle. Examples include innovative technology focused investments or emerging markets. 

- Moderate. A moderate category targets investments that appreciate in value and generate - some level of dividend income. These investments can be coupled with corporate and government bonds. This strategy typically reduces risk but still seeks to grow your capital. We look for assets with a time horizon of four to six years. Examples include more mature companies that have potential stock appreciation, pay dividends, and have a healthy balance sheet. 

- Conservative. A conservative investment category is more value focused; it seeks to preserve the assets you already have while providing some potential growth with a focus on dividend and interest income. This category can be used as a foundation for your overall portfolio and additional liquidity in the event of an emergency or expense funding needs during retirement. These assets have a time horizon of one to three years.

These categories and our strategy as laid out here are general. We’ll follow our unique seven-month process to deeply understand your situation and goals. Contact us today for a free initial meeting.


Investments We Don’t Make

Because our clients’ goals are for the long term, there are a number of strategies we try to avoid:

- Day trading
- Short-term investment horizons
- Direct options trading
- Concentrated investments with high risk

All of these strategies require a very high tolerance for risk. They’re focused on the short term and can seem too much like gambling with your assets. 

To talk with us more about what we can do for you, call or email us for an informational appointment. We’d love to help you reach your financial destination.

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